What is this about

This is a new approach through this new technological world. Come with us and see how really computers can, and must do at this stage of technology. We will take care of everything you need about the security, comfort, understanding and efficiency.
What is the matter in this heights of technology? The matter is that the tools the world use today are old, obsolete, out of date and half dead!
This is the point.
We are going to give you the tools that you need with the latest technology available today.
Enjoy it!!!

A letter from CEO for you

Dear world,
It is my great privilege to be the CEO of a company which is running at the edge of the technology and beyond.
I cannot express how exited I am at the opportunity to work with this team and to play my part in building upon the exceptional foundation and many notable accomplishments this company has achieved over decade to drive success to new heights.
As the CEO, I believe this company is a unique business and we are a champion leveraging our technology, services and support to ensure hundreds of thousands of users are able to do what they do best.
I am announcing that this is just a starter in this chapter of our business. We are working hard and we will launch more applications very soon.
You can start joining us and benefit the software from today and you will be informed shortly about new features and enhancements that we will release one after the other.
I wish you all have a better life using our technologies, and I am behind you to reach the highest that we can go.
I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you, and look forward to learning your feedback, perspectives, and insights. We are all together as one, in this path.
My team are all the experts that we could collect all around the world and they work in their best comfort at their home, to create the most sophisticated and efficient technology exist today, for you.
Green Web Land Inc.,
Toronto, Canada,
2010 - 2025
Copyright@ Green Web Land Inc.




  • We do not have access to your information. Your data is stored on your own properties.

Terms and Conditions

  • You are responsible for your data and backups.
  • We are not responsible for the contents as a carrier.
  • We serve the latest security policies and approach but it's only on our side. You must secure your part under your own responsibility.
  • Any complains would be related to the source of material.
  • You accept that the software is 'AS IT IS', and you are using it on your own risk.

Download Local Web Server

We will have more applications to add here.

MyPad is an application for personal use, and it's free.

It helps you for complex calculation in your daily life.

Also helps you to manage your daily information.

There are many features that you can use if you wish.

We need to emphasize that your information is totally secure at your own browser secure memory. Nobody can access your information because it's stored locally on your own device.

Take your time, read this help, find out how it works, then you'll see how amazingly it helps your life.

Good luck

Desktop View

Mobile View

Done button always closes the current window and ends the function.

Delete button deletes the current information on the screen. The total record would be permanently removed.

Delete function will confirm the deletion with Cancel and Execute options.

In case of Cancel, the delete process would cancel and has no effect on the information.

In case of Execute then The current information would be permanently purged.

Clicking on the information line in the list, then Edit and/or Delete.

When you click on the information line in the list then it will display a detail view of the selected information.

In that point you might be able to Delete and Edit the information.

This function adds a record (one incident) to your database.

This function modifies the selected information in your database.

Sections are usually start with a quick list of information from the database.

This list would be used to brows the database and select the required information for further actions.

Clicking on the line would select the record of information and launches the next action for the selected information.

Most of the application menus are hidden by defaults.

It's for simplify the application for first users.

If you wish to use all the functionalities, please enable those menus that you wish under Sys.Setting.Menu section.

Every moment in your life you are challenging to process some information.

Usually these information are related to the activities that happened before, or is going to happen in the future.

Recording those information and retrieving them when you need them is very crucial in your life.









This section is important because the Workshop section relies on these information.

You define a file (like a file cabinet) to be able to store some information later on.

This section defines the type of file which says, what are the information required to be stored.

Practically you define a spreadsheet by collecting the predefined columns.

This spreadsheet will be used in Workshop section in order to process the information.

This function inserts the fields definition and the rest of information into the database.

This function deletes the file definition and all the data belonging to the definition.

Please be cautious when you use Delete function.

Delete would purge all the data that been defined under this File in Workshop section.

If you delete all the file records, then there would be no data in the Workshop section.

This function modifies the file definition.

This function adds a new file definition to the database.

In this page you can collect the elements or fields that you want them in the file.

Fields order are defined here. Please choose your fields in proper order that you wish.

This definition can not be modified later on.

This function displays details of the file definition.

This section would help you to define, categorize, record information and retrieve them in a very high performance manner.

This component defines what happens when you click on the list.
View: Displays details of the selected record.
Edit: Modifies the detail information.
Disable/Enable: Disables or enables the record.
Archive/Activate: Archives or activates the record

This component selects and display the information of a file.

These information are the records that have been collected for this file.

Grid item displays spreadsheet format of all the information in the file.

In this spreadsheet you can modify all the information in one place.

Groups item displays the structured list of all the information.

This structure is based on the group field.

By inserting dots (.) in the group name you practically split them into this structure.

This is very useful to categorize your records for separation and quick access.

Long list item display a collective list of information.

You can define the elements of this list.

By default this list is minimum, but you can modify the columns of this list and add as many as items that you wish.

Allows you to enable and disable the components that you want to see.

New item displays the new button then you would be able to insert a new record into the selected file.

Save item displays the save button then you would be able to save the current components status of this file.

When you save the status then your current component selection would be restored when you select this file later on.

Short list item display a quick list of all information in the file.

This list includes image, disable/enable status, archive/active status and title.

In absence of the title field this list displays the group item instead of title.

Status item displays the status component.

Status component gives you a summery of all the records.

This menu offers items that you can sort, search and filter the information.

Items will appear if the related field exist in your file columns definition (spreadsheet).

When you enable multiple filters then all the filters applies concurrently. The list must satisfy and apply all the filters.

'Amount' item enables the 'amount' filter.

If this field has a value then the list would be filtered as all the records that have the 'amount' grater than or equal the specifies value.

If this field has a value then the list would be filtered as all the records that have the 'amount' less than or equal the specifies value.

'Archive' item gives you a choice to filter by 'archive' status.

You will have a menu to choose your filter on the list.

*: Displays all the record regardless of archive status.
archive: Displays only archived records.
active: Displays only active records.

'Disable' item gives you a choice to filter by disable/enable status.

You will have a menu to choose your filter on the list.

*: Displays all the record regardless of disable/enable status.
disable: Displays only disabled records.
enable: Displays only enabled records.

'Grid' item allows you to organize lists columns.

You will have a menu to choose your columns on the list.

Columns on the left will be displayed on 'Long List' component and 'Grid' component.

On the other hand, here you define what you want to see in the 'Grid' and the 'Long List'.

'Sort' item gives you an option to choose if you want your list to be sorted and on what field.

You will have a menu to choose your sort option on the list.

*: Do not sort. The latest would be last.
title: Sort on 'title'.
group: sort on 'group'.
when: sort on 'when'.
amount: sort on 'amount'.

'When' item enables the when filter.

In this component you can specify dates or work with days or months.

'Day' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is equal or grater than 'how many days' from now. This 'how many days' is the value that has been specified.

If you enter 3 in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal today up to 3 days from now.

'Greater than or Equal' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is greater than or equal the value that has been specified.

If you enter a date in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal that date and afterwards.

'Less than or Equal' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is less than or equal the value that has been specified.

If you enter a date in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal that date and before.

'Month' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is equal or grater than 'how many months' from now. This 'how many months' is the value that has been specified.

If you enter 3 in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal this month up to 3 months from now.

'Week' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is equal or grater than 'how many weeks' from now. This 'how many weeks' is the value that has been specified.

If you enter 3 in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal this week up to 3 weeks from now.

'Year' item defines the filter as all the records that 'when' is equal or grater than 'how many years' from now. This 'how many years' is the value that has been specified.

If you enter 3 in the field then you will see all the records that the 'when' is equal this year up to 3 years from now.

There are challenges everyday for some kind of calculation.

You go shopping you need a constant calculation.

About the prices, about the weigh of materials you want to purchase.

For comparing the prices for two different offers.

For converting currencies.

Shopping in foreign country and see the results in multiple currencies.

Unit conversion while there are prices involved.

This section will help you for your daily calculation.

It supports amount, unit and exchange, all concurrently and mixed.

There are many scenarios that would be supported by this section.

Adds a new item in the calculation.

Clears all the calculation and starts over from scratch.

Defines the details of each item.

Defines the basic declaration for the calculation.

Allows you to switch between sets of calculations.

Allows you to enable and disable the functions that you want to process.

Enables the exchange conversion.

Enables a factor for the amount. This factor includes (+, -, * and /) plus a number.

If you choose +2 then your amount would be added by 2 (amount + 2).

Enables summery functionality. This could be Sum, Average, Minimum or Maximum.

Enables unit conversion in the calculation.

This section helps you to define and update the exchange rates.

These rates would be applied on all currency conversion.

Please keep them up to date to avoid miscalculation.

This function adds an exchange conversion to your collection.

This function deletes an exchange conversion from your collection.

This function modifies an exchange conversion in your collection.

This function displays an exchange conversion from your collection.

In this section you can store and retrieve sets of calculation that you want to keep them.

This function adds a set of calculation to your history.

This function deletes a set of calculation from your history.

This function modifies a set of calculation to your history.

This function displays the title.

If you wish to use the unit conversion then you can define your conversions here.

This function appends a new conversion to the database.

This function clears all the current conversion the loads the defaults.

This function clears all the unit conversions in the database.

In this section you can set the basic configuration for the application.

This page gives you an Icon collection that you can copy and paste into the image fields.

These are not the only icons and you can use any icon that you can copy from somewhere else.

In this section you can introduce the images that you want to use in the application.

It's only for quick access to the images that you often use.

This function adds an image to your collection.

This function deletes an image from your collection.

This function changes an image in your collection.

This function displays an image from your collection.

In this section you can set the system setting and change the system behaviour.

You can backup your database to secure your information againt data lost.

Also you use this backup to transfer your information to another devices.

You have your information on your laptop and you want to have a same copy on your mobile phone.

Make a backup of your information on the laptop and save it in a text file.

Transfer this backup file (text file) to your mobile phone thru email or file transfer.

Open the file on the mobile phone and select all the text then copy.

Use Sys.Setting.Restore function to restore them into the application.

Start using the transfered information.

This function will read your database and stores it in the Data box for you to make a copy.

When you execute this function then The Data box will be filled with some information. Select all the text and copy.

After you copy the database in the clipboard then you can paste it anywhere you want as text. You can paste it in notes or email or other places for further use.

This text data that you save will be used to restore your information to any device that you wish.

This section enables and disables top menu items.

This function stores and applies top menu settings.

This section deletes all information in the database.

Please be cautious when you use this function in order to not to destroy your current information.

This function deletes all information in the database.

Please be cautious when you use this function in order to not to destroy your current information.

You can restore your backup at this section.

When you have a backup data and willing to restore your previous information then Restore function will help.

You must be aware that restore function deletes all the current information in order to restore a new set of information and avoiding conflicts.

Please be cautious when you use this function in order to not to destroy your current information.

This function stores your information in the Data box into database.

This section translates the application into your selected language.

This function restores the English translation.

This function stores and applies the translate material that has been introduced in the Data box.

This is a new feature and not very populated.

Imaging you want to have sevral copy of the same application to use for different purposes.

For example you want to have a copy of application to load your elderly mother's information and process them for her, while you have your own copy of application for yourself.

You usually can not copy an application, so this scenario wouldn't be possible.

This section allows you to execute this scenario.

In this section you can define more datasets for the application and switch between them.

Each dataset would be complete different information set and they are isolated from each other.

It's like you switching between users in an application. Each user have their own data.

This function adds a dataset to your application.

This function deletes a dataset from your application.

This function closes the form.

This function switches to the dataset for your application.

Add: Insert an additional record in the database.
Components: Components is a part of screen that provides a functionality. You might be able to disable the components that removes it from the screen.
Database: A collection of information storage for data processing.
Dataset: Is equal to one occurrence of database. On the other hand, a single database loaded with a set of information.
Delete: Remove a record from the database.
Done: End of function
Edit: Modify a record in the database.
Record: A collection of information for a single entity.
New: Starts a process to add a record to database.
View: Display details of a record from the database.

Application Launcher

Go to Help.MyPad.

Read the contents and see how it works.

Go to Help.MyPad.@.Scenarios and study them. There are many that matches your situation and you can replicate.

When you find something that could be useful for you.

Then go to Launch and click MyPad button. It will launches the MyPad application that you can use later on.

Once in a while close the MyPad application and start it again in order to get the latest updates.

If you have a red color message at the bottom of screen. There is a problem. In this case start over the application by closing and launching it again.

While you are browsing the application, clicking on a list would trigger an action based on the situation at the moment.

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